MAD Merch Series One

The MAD Series One Merch Collection
MAD Series One Merch is our first ever branded MADkurious merchandise, second only to the Series 0 Community Shirt & Pride Series
Every piece is curated to celebrate the MADness & all of you Cutie Gremlins, with an extensive variety that represents the amazing people within our community
This Collection is Categorized by:
- MAD Quotes & Emotes from my live Twitch streams
- The Self-Care Sleepover line, made as an event special for our mental health day in January, and for any time you'd like to be mindful of cozy vibes and taking care of yourself
- The Crossover Collection for games we love
- The Get Fit & Quit line to remind us all to work on our mental & physical fitness and quit anything that doesn't bring us peace
- A collaboration with MissMegzie: The MADZIE Collection
- Limited Edition lines including MADmas, Streamer Games, MADZIE Halloween, Pride Collection, and more
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support!